what does music do for you?

Music touches the soul

Music touches the soul

“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination
and life to everything.” – Plato
Have you ever met anyone who stated that they hate music and they wish it never existed? Me neither.  Music is an expression of life; it has the ability to make people experience different emotions. Music can prepare you mentally for many things, whether it a car ride, a jog around the lake or even while you study. Music is one of the main ingredients in several aspects of entertainment. We can all agree that the above statements are somewhat true, because we have heard many people giving their opinions about music and how powerful it is, but on a more personal level, what does music really do for you?

headphone on, music blasting!

headphone on, music blasting!

“Music is important; can you imagine the world without music? What a boring place it would be,” stated Desire Yates Student at Polk State College. Yates further added that music give her mixed feelings, she mentioned that on many occasions music puts her in a good mood and then there are other times when music does the opposite.

“It’s good when you can have music to go along with your emotions.” Yates further added


Music is extremely powerful, I bet you can recall waking up several mornings with a song on your mind, and you end up singing it the entire day. What about that one song that you constantly have on replay, or that one song that you know word for word because its speaks to you directly.

can you feel the beat?

can you feel the beat?

When I wake up, I’m not always in a good mood, and I hate that, but whenever this happens I just find the music channel on the Television and  sing until I feel better, It sounds weird but I always do it, ask my family members,” said Audrae Ferron  An unemployed Resident of Winter Haven Florida.  music

Many individuals would definitely agree that music offers motivation with many day to day activities. Music can be considered as that vital ingredient for many activities that we undertake in our daily lives.

Jerae Parrish, 21, senior at the University of Central Florida mentioned that she refuses to go to the gym without her headphones

“ not trying to sound dumb or anything but I don’t know how people work out without music, it gives me that extra push, music motivates me, I wake up almost every morning without an urge to Go to gym, Music is that voice that encourages me to work out and go harder.” Parrish added.

exercising with music

Music sets the mood for contemplation after a long tiring day at work, music helps some people to focus better while studying or doing homework. Without Music some people even find it difficult to fall asleep.

Rekiah Parrish 26, resident of Winter Haven “ I gave birth to my son less than two months ago and I have come to realize that he falls asleep quicker when I turn the music on over his crib, it’s like it calms his spirit”20131004_215021


“I don’t regret buying that music box for my son, its helps me out a lot,” Rekiah further added

future DJ????

future DJ????

Music has its advantages and disadvantages, depending on the listener, but it is definitely seen by many as an essential ingredient in their daily lives, many have admitted that music provides and creates a sense of peace for them.  Music is important, music motivates people to work out, it can help people switch emotions and have them in a happy place in a matter of seconds. Go ahead and set the ambience for a good night’s sleep. Turn the music on; Try not to disturb the neighbors though.


“Music can change the world because it can change people.” – Bono